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Wallace Window Cleaning features High-rise Commercial Window Cleaning, Pressure Washing, Caulking, Painting, and Glass Restoration using the BioClean System

High Rise Window Cleaning
It is not Spiderman hanging off the side of these buildings, it is our amazing employees.

Glass Restoration​
​--using the BioClean System--
Salt can damage glass and we fix it. The process takes extra time but beats having to replace the glass.

Pressure Washing
The new Green is not usually welcome on a building. We bring them back to bright white.

High-Rise Repairs​​​
Things Break and we repair UP High.....caulking, lightbulb replacement and painting, to name a few.

We Are Awesome

Our customers have a lot of good to say about our services and professionalism. And they keep coming back because of it.
Our pricing is highly competitive. We are fast and efficient and can roll those savings of time over to our customers.

Commercially Sparkling​

Our services cause our customer's businesses to shine. We service Federal Buildings, Commercial Buildings and ground-level store fronts.
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